Sunday, November 18, 2012

"I had a vision"

I had a vision…

Day 3 in Accra brought us off on a side-trip this morning to
the Nima area…a very deprived part of the city.  We 
headed there with Antoinette,who is the Director of a 
school that teaches 2-12 year olds.  A passion of hers is The Little Free Library which
 promotes reading through free book exchanges. We had
this connection throughTodd Bol from the Hudson Rotary Club. In Nima we met the
librarian - Erica, a very quiet 12 year old, who holds the keys to a bookshelf that sits in a
small compound housing more than 300 people.  She was so softspoken that I needed to
lean towards her to hear her words.  I told her how
impressed I was that a girl of her age would take on the
responsibility of issuing books and checking them back into
their small library.  She beamed…When I asked her “Why do you do this?”, her answer moved me to tears.  In
this destitute, dusty, and poverty stricken corner of the city, she said “I had a vision to help others to learn to read”.  
Gulp…we should all have been so fortunate to have had a
vision so early in our lives to help others. We found it hard  to walk away….

Tonight brings unpacking, repacking, and prepping for our
first session with our friends from Street Aid tomorrow.  We are EXCITED, and can only hope that Erica has inspired us to help others move from vision to a concrete plan, which can enhance the lives of many.

We are so excited to see many of you checking the blog!  Please don’t
hesitate to tell us what you want to know, what you find interesting, what
you would like to hear more about! Send us your comments...

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