Sunday, January 26, 2014

The first full day in Ghana

In a few days these beautiful fabrics
will be transformed into beautiful clothing
We arrived safe and sound just yesterday! It is cool here at 80 degrees, but pretty sweaty. The local Rotarians greeted us warmly at the airport and arranged for some pretty special VIP treatment. The 2 days have been filled with getting our feet on the ground, engaging in local customs and traditions and preparing for the days ahead.

We will be sure to brighten up the day when we come back to the United States dressed in outfits made from these beautiful fabrics. It was a great first full day on the ground here, we met with Vida from Street Girls AID got settled in, got our supplies for the week, ate great local food and yes...shopped for fabrics. We meet with the seamstress on Tuesday for some styling, then off to build and decorate the Little Free Library tomorrow is a full day at SAID in workshops, meeting the staff and girls and getting started...more later!
Waiting in the VIP lot for our driver to load up up

Theresa, Barb and Holly enjoy some fellowship

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